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A huge thank you to all of our donors from our past fiscal year!
Your generosity helps us reach over 10,000 people per year through our public performances and educational outreach efforts and made it possible for us to continue our mission of presenting affordable, professional outdoor productions of the plays of William Shakespeare in Fairfield County.



Leadership Circle $20,000+

Charlotte Lyeth Burton

Connecticut Humanities


Lord Chamberlain’s Circle $10000-$19999

Excelerate Foundation

Robinson & Cole

S&L Marx Foundation

Sixth Taxing District


Angels $5000-$9999

Heather and John Anderson

Emily Bryan

DR Bank

Dave Hokin Foundation

McCann World Group

Tim and Sheila Pettee

Rowayton Civic Association

Shakespeare Theater Association

Andrew and Melissa Woodford


Patrons of the Bard $2500-$4999

Berkshire Hathaway

Dupre Cochran

CT Supporting Arts

Fairfield County Bank

Neil Hauck Architects

Megan and Keith McAllister

New Canaan Community Foundation

Pitney Bowes Foundation

Rob Russo

Russo & Rizio


Poet’s Circle $1000-$2499

Connie and Michael Casey

Ryan and Christina Casupanan

CT Office of the Arts


Defeo Family Foundation

John and Christine Love

Brooke Megrue

Matthew Morgan

Marie Reynolds and Jim Golden

Jennifer and Andrew Ryan

Charly and Shieva Sahlia

Betsy Sue and Martin Shannon

John and Nancy Sommi


Director’s Circle $500-$999

Patrick and Julie Begos

Winsome Brown

Timothy and Laura Callahan

George and Mallory Close

CT Tech Education

Tracy Duncan

Autumn and John Howard

Evelyn and Steven Milman

Jenn Porges

Michelle and Rich Riley

J and P Rusk

James and Margie Shaughnessy

Leila and Nick Shields

Kerry and Jed Stevens Family Trust

Tracy and Russ Stidolph

Tierney Family Foundation

Patrick and Sarah Wayland

Terry Weingarten

William Wilson


Friends $250-$499

Deirdre Absolonne

Richard and Kim Alexander

Melanie Berman

Bruce and Lisa Bond

Diane and Perry Caminis

Paul Cantor

Holly Cavana

Stasha Cohen

Anne Cotton

Peter and Bettina Drummond-Hay

Fred and Pam Elliott

Orna Fomin

Barbara Hapoienu

Jean and Patrick Hsu

Robert Kettenman

Robert Kirkpatrick

Joseph Lazaroff

Stephen and Laura Pettricone

Michael Sagalyn

Angela Skidmore

Deborah and Alan Steckler

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Special thanks to our season sponsors!

Community ($1-$249)​

Simone Abikoa

Nivedita Agarwal

Carol & Luke Anderson

Graham Anderson

Allison Arneill

Sadhana Athreya

Robert Austin

Meredith Bach

Jenny Lyn Bader

Sydney Baker

Michelle Baldini

Silvia Baldini

Erika Banks & Gavriel Rosenfeld

John Barker

Nancy Battey

Marjolijn Baxendale

Molly Berkeley

Stephanie Bowers

Catherine Boyle

Heather Boylr

Jennifer Bramlette

Tim Brennan

William Breslow

Laurie Bridger

Rainy Broomfield

Wesley Broulik

Kristen Budden

Pat Burns

Pascale Butcher

Peter Buttrick

Dominick Caiati

Diane & Perry Caminis

Karen Camporeale

Carolyn Capshaw

Christopher Casey

Ron Carroll

Patricia Carroll

Sue Carrol

Henry Cavanna

William Cavers

Cristina Caviness

Ann Cheney

Peter Cholakis

Robert Cisneros

Pamela Clark

Mark Cohen

Donna Collins

William Collins

Kermit Cook

Caitlin Corello

Debbie Crawford

Beth Crump

Hope Daley

Peter Davies

Will Dawkins

Eline de Graaf

Paige de Herder

Emily Deans

Emily Deans

Elizabeth Defeo

Lynette DeGraaf

Laurel Delany

Richelle DeMayo

Laura Deveau

Kathy Devierno

Paul Devine

Laura Di Gioia

Timothy Diebolt

Colm Dobbyn

Lisa Dobey

Lori Dorman

Tracey Doucette

Raymond Downey

Diane Drugge

Tim Duffy

Christina Duncan

Leslie Dunn

Basia Dworak

Anne Eckman

Karen Elders

Pamela & Frederic Elliott

Kathleen Engelmann

Kristen Ennis

Arline Epstein

Chloe Ettari

Regina Fanelli

Heidi Ferguson

Jon Fisher

Christopher Fitch

Julie Fitzpatrick

Catherine Flaherty

Pam Fletcher

Avery Flowers

Wendy Foster

Orna Fomin

Michael Forbes

Monica Frate

Carolyn Frazier

Mollie Fullington

Jennifer Gable

Mr. Richard Garcia

Greg Gigliotti

Megan Gilbert

Forrest Gittleson

Stacy Giunta

James Givens

Emily Glod

Lisa Golden

Blair Gorman

Christopher Goutman

Eric Greenhut

Jennifer Gros

Carol Gruendel

Anne Guadagnino

Lori Gunn

Robin Halsey

Robert Hammer

Barbara Hapoienu

Susan Harris

Lorah Haskins

David Hendrickson

Philip Henson

Richard Hernandez

Daniel Hernandez-Brun

Sara Hesselsweet

Elizabeth Hobbs

Justin Hokin

Elizabeth Hole

Margaret Holton

Daniel Honan

Linda Horton

Vince Hough

Tom & Autumn Howard

John Howard

Horace Hoyt

Aaron & Emily Hull

Douglas Hurwitt

Anne Hussey

Anthony Iaconis


Kenneth Irvine

Whitney James

Peter Jankovsky

Ben Jerrild

Amara Johnson

Roderick Johnson

T Michael Johnson

Kate Jonas

Mr. Frederick Jones

Lorraine Keleghan

Midge Kennedy

Elizabeth Lamberton Kesten

The Kniffen Family

Ken Kosakoff

Barbara Krouse

Dawn & Richard Kurth

Mr. David Lamontagne

Joan Lanius-Nichol

Tammy Langalis

Joseph Lazaroff

Quinn Leary

Benjamin Leboza

Jacqueline Lennertz

Tanya Leonard

Nancy LeVine

Igal Levy

Karen Lexow

Pam Liflander

Ellie Lydecker

Harriet Magaldi

Eileen Malloy

Tina Mangold

Jackie Manzo

TJ Markey

Katherine Marschalk

Gail Mathias

Dana Mattson

JJ Mattson

Jen Maurillo

Ms. Lisa Mazure

Laura McDaniel

Karen McGown

Matthew Mcnerney

Mrs. Nancy Meany

Adrian Mee

S Brooke Megrue

Darleen Meier

Arthur Melville

Steven Mentz & Alinor Sterling

Susanne Miller

Sage Minella

Margaret Molwitz

Wendy Moore

Marion & Tommy Morris

Rebecca Nardi

Elizabeth Naylor-Gutierrez

Glenn Newell

Amelia Nichols

William & Julie Nightingale

Olga Nikolas

Staale Nikolaisen

Emelyn Northway

Sarah O'Neill

Amy Okane

William & Brenda Pank

Todd Parkin

Debra Parnon

Lara Paschalidis

Cathy Paukner

Bruce Paul

Nicole Pena

Kara Peters

Elsa Peterson Obuchowski

Stephen Petricone & Laura Cramer

Stephen Pike

Jane Pike-Benton

Ashley Pizzo

Claudia Plepler

Timothy Potter

Megan Powell

Susan Powell

Rachel & Robert Ranieri

Desmond Rea

Anne Riggs

Lucy Rinaldi

Susie Robinson

Anne Runge

Kiera Russo

Erika Sales

Allison Gray Sanders

Joseph Scala

Jan Schaefer

David Schlakman

Warren Seubel

Howard Seymour

Jane Seymour

Morial Shah

Ms. Hollace Shantz

Rachel Sharon

Margie Shaughnessy

Susan Sheinhaus

M Sherwood

Boris Sheynberg

George Shi

Laura Silv

Nina Simmons

Jeane Sinclair

Zee Sinclair

Stacy Sitinas

Suzanne Smith

Katherine Sokoloff

Paul Spampanato

Amanda Spatola

George Steel

PIlar Steinborn

Mr. Robert Strickland

Sharon Sweeney

Alexandra Swenson

Walter Terbrusch

Adam Thier

Thomas Till

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Trompeter

William Tryon

Amy Tyson

David Upson

Lucy A Van Atta

Erin Van Der Meer

Guido Van hauwermeiren

Clifford van voorhees

Robert Vanderhoek

Laura Voisine

Jeannie Walker

Akita Wahi

Larry & Sharon Warble

Ginny Waters

Margot West

Teryke Wheatley

Candace Wheelock

Ken Whitman

Richard & Laurie Williamson

Catherine Wilson

Morgan Wise

Katherine Wolf

Tory Woodruff

Mary Woods

Jooyun Ybarra

Stephanie Zeigler

Charles Ziga

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